Welcome to Spectrum Clinical Research
Your Health, Wellness & Research Partners 

in Kansas City MO Call  at 816-562-6466

Spectrum Clinical Research is a full-service Health, Wellness and Research Site Managment Organization that provides both health and wellness therapy options as access to information form clinical research studies, monitored by Dr. Evan Russell, D.O. Dr. Russell has over 10yrs experience treating patients at North Kansas City Hospital as well as two years of experience in clinical research. 

We are happy to offer a number of services that enable you to learn about how to take better care of you and your family.. Please feel free to browse our site, particularly the informational articles. We want to partner with you and  help you become knowledgeable about preventative care and the importance o thhe essentialness to the ongoing success of your health. If you have any questions, call 816-562-6466 or email us and we'll promptly get back to you. Our Kansas City North office is very easy to get to -- just check out the map below! We also welcome you to subscribe to our newsletter, which is created especially for Health, Wellness and Research enthusiast, such as yourself. Thank you in advance for your time.